InterLink Computers - We specialize in custom computer systems and discount name brand computer hardware.

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Address & Telephone/Fax:

11860 Fishing Point Drive
Newport News, VA 23606
Tel: (757) 827-0999
Fax: Call-Ahead

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday: Closed


Directions to our showroom:

We are located in the Oyster Point business park approximately two blocks from City Center. Nearest main road intersection is City Center Blvd (formerly Middle Ground Blvd) and Jefferson Avenue.

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© Copyright 1996 - 2025, InterLink Computers Inc., All rights reserved.
Own your own piece of technology!
We build custom computer systems & sell name brand discount computer hardware.
11860 Fishing Point Drive, Newport News, VA USA 23606
Tel: 757-827-0999 Fax: Call-Ahead, Email: